In December of 2021 Alquist became synonymous with 3D concrete printing (3DCP) by completing the first owner-occupied 3D printed home in the world.  Alquist uses 3D printing technology to create exceptional design while lowering the cost of housing and infrastructure. After 6+ years of research, and working with multiple machines and materials, Alquist continues to be a leader in the industry.

Alquist’s approach to 3DCP has been unique in our emerging industry. As 3DCP continues to emerge, Alquist took the route of becoming a construction company – as opposed to a manufacturer. Our goal is to become experts on a wide-variety of different types of printers, materials, and methods in order to expand our understanding and gain insightful knowledge of the best practices for the future of this industry. Alquist is the only 3DCP company that has the knowledge to work directly with local city officials, passcode and permitting, and successfully print a home using multiple printers and/or materials.

Alquist has amassed a pipeline of 250+ homes to print, and an average of 50 requests per week continue to come in. Other 3D groups have great equipment, but they are struggling to get contracted projects and then work through the permitting process on a local level. These are Alquist’s superpowers. In order to meet the demand we see in this emerging market, and to continue our position as an industry leader, Alquist is creating a new program to bring this work to new partners in strategic locations.

AT ALQUIST 3D (A3D) WE ARE AT THE FOREFRONT OF A CONSTRUCTION REVOLUTION. Through state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, we’re pioneering innovative, stronger, faster and more cost-effective building solutions that are environmentally responsible. 

Our dedication lies in revitalizing smaller communities, offering them sustainable and affordable living spaces. By harnessing the power of innovation, we are transforming economically distressed and under-served communities, providing them with the infrastructure they need to flourish.

What/Who is Alquist?

The name Alquist goes back to founder Zachary Mannheimer's theater background. Alquist is a character in the 1920 satirical play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek. R.U.R. was the first piece of literature to coin the term "Robot".

In the play, "robots" are invented to speed up Rossum's manufacturing facility. Over time the robots take on human emotion and revolt over their conditions, leading to an epic battle of robot vs. human. Alquist, the main engineer, is the only character in the story who believes that humans and robots can co-exist peacefully. He is spared by the robots and charged with forging ahead a new robot/human peace.